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PQ Approved strives to review as many coin series as possible.

To see exactly what series we review please visit our Population Report by clicking here

Type Price Timeframe
PQ Sticker Level 1 $10.00 5-15 Business Days
Description: For coins valued up to $2,500. This service is for Collectors or Dealers submitting coins for a PQ Approved Sticker.
PQ Sticker Level 2 $12.50 5-15 Business Days
Description: For coins valued up to $10,000. This service is for Collectors or Dealers submitting coins for a PQ Approved Sticker.
PQ Sticker Level 3 $20.00 5-15 Business Days
Description: For coins valued over $10,000. This service is for Collectors or Dealers submitting coins for a PQ Approved Sticker.
Express $35.00 (Under $10,000) 2-5 Business Days
  $95.00 (Over $10,000) 2-3 Business Days
Description: For coins of any value. This service allows Collectors or Dealers to submit coins for express review and have them returned in a shorter time frame. Costs vary based on value.
Resticker $3.00 5-10 Business Days
Description: If your coin has been previously PQ Approved and the sticker has been either damaged or removed, this service allows the member to have a new sticker placed on the coin.
Coin Review $9.50 Pending Other Service
Note: Coin Review is an additional service that can only be selected when a coin is initially submitted to PQ Approved for either a PQ Sticker, Express PQ Sticker, or Resticker.
Description: For our members looking for an expert opinion on whether their coin may be under-valued we offer the Coin Review service. This service allows our numismatists to review a coin and offer their expert opinion regarding any potential to increase the coin’s value, along with their recommended methodology for doing so. Recommendations may include, but are not limited to: coin regrade, cross over, conservation, and/or CAC submission. Please note: PQ Approved’s opinions and recommendations are based on our numismatist’s best professional judgment and PQ Approved cannot guarantee that any recommended course of action will be successful.